Sunday, June 9, 2019

Toumei Ningen no Hone - v04 ch19


So here it is, finally, Aya's song.
From here, the series is pretty straightforward, and the ending may (or may not) be what you're expecting. We have three more chapters to go until the end of the series.


I composed what would be my interpretation of the song that Shiori sang, and sang it myself. If you want to hear my beautiful (cough cough) singing and playing, you're very welcome.

Excuses: This is the first time I recorded a song, and my knowledge about song recording is non existent, so it's not exactly "crisp" and all that. But I played and sang everything myself, so I got that going for me, I guess... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Hope you enjoy.